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The 3 steps to getting hired in Sales

1) The Mindset-
Revenue is the life blood of any company and the sales team pumps revenue through a business like a heart.  In the same way you wouldn’t want a weak heart in your chest, a company can’t afford to have a weak sales team. The strength of a sales team or a sales professional starts and ends with the proper mindset.  Sales can be an extremely emotional profession. A sales professional faces rejection and battles with motivation on a daily basis. Without the proper mindset this battle with motivation and rejection will cripple a sales professional. Success in sales is impossible without a positive mental attitude and proper mindset.

 While interviewing for a sales position, a candidate must be able to display a positive mental attitude. You’re selling yourself in the interview and you need to believe in the product that you’re selling to the prospective employer. If you didn’t catch that, you need to believe in yourself.  If you don’t believe that you can add value to the prospective employer then why did you take the interview? An employer doesn’t want to take any unnecessary risks when hiring a new employee. So if you are presenting yourself as someone “looking to gain experience” then you’re likely not going to get hired. An employer doesn’t want to let you use their business to see if you can hack it and gain experience. Employers are looking for someone who is confident in their ability to do the job, increase revenue, and strengthen the team.

2) The Story-
The story you tell the employer about yourself in the interview will ultimately determine your fate. Make sure that the story that you’re telling is a positive one regardless of the reasons that you are looking for employment.  Below are two examples of a positive and negative way to tell the same story:

1) Unhappy with current job

·         Positive: I’m looking for a company with more potential for growth where I can apply my skill set to achieve a greater level of success (this shows the prospective employer that you’re ambitious and confident)

·         Negative: I’m unhappy with my management team and culture and need a change. (this shows that you have issues staying motivated and following direction from management)

2) Got laid off and looking for work

·         Positive: Due to decisions that were out of my control, I was let go. I gained valuable experience and skills from my previous employer that helped me achieve incredible success.  I’m ready to apply my experienced skillset to help my next employer achieve goals and win business. (this helps the employer focus on the experience you gained rather the job that you lost)

·         Negative: My old management felt threatened by me and the company was downsizing ( this shows your inability to get along with management and that you were contributing to a failing business)  

Employers are looking to hire someone with a positive mental attitude that can help them increase productivity and revenue. The way you discuss why you’re interviewing for a position needs to be positive otherwise you won’t get the job. Every single word out of your mouth should be positive. Never talk about your past employer, the reason you’re job hunting, or experience in a negative way. If you’re negative then the response from the potential employer will be a negative one. The same kinds of questions are asked in every interview. Prepare positive responses and make sure you’re ready to show off your positive mindset. Challenge yourself to see how often you can use words like valuable, incredible, skillset, and success during the course of the interview. Your prospective employer will associate those words with your character and potential.

3) Simple Math
The number one thing sales managers spend their time doing is managing the volume of prospecting efforts taking place on the team. The most fundamental part of the sales process is generating a high volume of “reaches” to prospective clients. A “reach” happens each time a sales professional “reaches” out to a prospective client via email, phone, or a drop-in.  Failure in sales can usually be traced back to a low volume of “reaches”. You can be a great closer but if your pipeline dries up due to a low volume of “reaches”, you will never meet your sales goals.

You will have sales management fall in love with you if communicate an ability to consistently maintain a high volume of “reaches” to prospective clients. It’s simple math: 5 days a week multiplied by 20 reaches per day= $$$$$$$$$$$$

Work with FIRE

There is nothing that will make you more successful at sales then working hard. It's easier to teach a hard worker to sell then it is to teach a sales man to work hard! There is no excuse for wasting time. The only person you are hurting is yourself! Make one more call! Visit one more client! Work one more hour!

Pursue Progress

I'm completely addicted to apple products. My love for apple started years ago but my addiction started with the first generation iPhone. I've owned just about every generation of iPhone that has been released. The amount of money that I have spent on the iPhone makes me sick.  The first step to recovery from any addiction is admitting that you have a problem and I have a BIG APPLE problem!

Apple sold 6.1 million 1st generation iPhone units over five quarters after it was first released on June 29, 2007. The launch of the iPhone was a tremendous success by anyone's standards.  This success wasn't good enough for Steve Jobs.  My love for Apple has a lot to do with my admiration for Steve Jobs. I love how Steve never settled for anything but his best. Once Steve achieved a goal, he would set a new one that was twice as unlikely to achieve. Steve has taught me that success is a pursuit rather then a destination. Goals are checkpoints not finish lines. Each new release of the iPhone represents Apple's pursuit to always raise the bar just a litter higher.

Earlier this year I spent a few weeks on the east coast for business. I had the chance to get to know a few of my colleagues a bit better. One night while driving home from a long day of work a colleague informed me that he runs an Ironman each year. If you don't know what an Ironman is, it's PURE INSANITY! The Ironman Triathlon consists of a 2.4-mile (3.9-kilometer) swim, a 112-mile (180-kilometer) bike ride and a 26.2-mile (42.1-kilometer) run. My mind was blown when I heard this guy talk about the kind of training he does to be able to complete in an Ironman. When I asked my colleague how he got started competing in Ironman Triathlons he responded "You start by running one city block". The point he was trying to make is that once you are able to run one city block, challenge yourself to run 3. Once you can run 3 city blocks challenge yourself to a few more.

So if you are building a mobile phone, build the best mobile phone ever. Once you have built the best mobile phone ever, BUILD A BETTER ONE. If you're able to run a city block, RUN A FEW MORE. Pretty soon you will be competing in an Ironman. Goals are checkpoints not finish lines. Success is a pursuit rather then a destination. Work harder on yourself then anything else you have ever worked on in your entire life. Never stop your pursuit for progress. If you stop improving yourself then your skills and talents will become obsolete.

Winston Churchill said it best;
"Success is not final, Failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts!"

Risk = Reward

Motivation will get us to our goals but fear keeps us from them. What do you fear? Playing it safe and never risking failure won't result in much of anything. If you want to break a record, go after it! If you want to land a big deal, chase it!

Big win---Little win

 Celebrate your successes every single day!   

I don't care if its a big win or a little win but find a positive thing that happened each day and CELEBRATE (however you celebrate......)

Kicked in the face

It requires thick skin to be in sales. 

Facing rejection is part of the job! Don't take it personal and realize that even the best of us get knocked down!

Smartest Man Alive

Having a good day starts off with a positive attitude! 

If you believe in yourself then others will believe in you!